Generating Signals #
Sinusoids #
real #
% real sinusoid matlab code
n_samples = 100;
f = 100; % frequency of signal
fs = 500; % sampling rate
signal = cos(2*pi*(0:n_samples-1)*f/fs);
complex #
% complex sinusoid matlab code
n_samples = 100;
f = 100; % frequency of signal
fs = 500; % sampling rate
signal = exp(1i*2*pi*(0:n_samples-1)*f/fs);
QPSK Signal #
% QPSK signal matlab code
n_samples = 100;
qpsk_signal = (floor(2*rand(1,n_samples))-0.5)/0.5 + 1j*(floor(2*rand(1,n_samples))-0.5)/0.5;
Plot FFT #
% FFT matlab code / plot FFT matlab code
nfft = 4096;
freq_on_bin = 1000 * 1/nfft;
signal = exp(1i*2*pi*freq_on_bin*(0:nfft-1));
signal_fft = fftshift(20*log10(abs(fft(signal,nfft))));
xaxis = -0.5:1/nfft:0.5-1/nfft;
plot(xaxis, signal_fft)
Generating Noise #
Real Noise #
% noise matlab code
% starting with some noise sigma (noise_sigma)
noise_variance = noise_sigma^2;
noise_signal = sqrt(noise_variance) .* (randn(1, n_samples));
Complex Noise #
% complex noise matlab code
% starting with some noise sigma (noise_sigma)
noise_variance = noise_sigma^2;
noise_signal = sqrt(noise_variance/2) .* (randn(1, n_samples) + 1i*randn(1, n_samples));
Resampling #
Upsample #
how to upsample your signal in matlab without using upsample()
function in matlab
x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7];
U = 4; % upsample by 4x
x_upsampled = reshape([x; zeros(U-1, length(x))], 1, [])
Downsample #
how to downsample your signal in matlab without using downsample()
function in matlab
x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7];
D = 4; % upsample by 4x
x_downsampled = x(1:D:end)
Polyphase Filter Matlab Code #
Polyphase Decimation #
% polyphase decimator matlab code
% D is your decimation rate
coefs_poly = reshape(coefs,D,[]);
reg = zeros(D,size(coefs_poly,2));
v0 = zeros(1,D)';
input_signal = [1 zeros(1,200)]; % impulse
output_signal = zeros(1,length(input_signal)/D);
% polyphase decimation filter is "calculate 1 output from D inputs"
out_idx = 1;
for n=1:D:length(input_signal)-D
v0 = fliplr(input_signal(n:n+D-1)).'; % get D inputs from input signal
reg = [v0 reg(:,1:size(reg,2)-1)]; % deliver D inputs, shift register values over one
% calculate 1 output from D inputs
% apply all polyphase filters to the data
for k=1:D
output_reg = output_reg + reg(k,:)*coefs_poly(k,:)'; % sum all polyphase paths together
output_signal(out_idx) = output_reg; % set output
out_idx = out_idx+1;
Polyphase Interpolation #
% polyphase interpolator matlab code
% coefs are your FIR filter coefficients (firpm, remez, etc)
% I is your interpolation rate
fs = .25; % input sampling rate
fsI = 1; % output sampling rate
I = 4; % interpolation factor
nfft = 10e3;
% cook up some coefficients
[coefs, del] = firpm(143, [0 .025 .1 .5]*2, [1 1 0 0]);
% input signal is two tones, 1 in passband one in stopband
x = exp(1i*2*pi*.025/fs*(0:nfft-1)) + exp(1i*2*pi*.1/fs*(0:nfft-1));
coefs_poly = reshape(coefs,I,[]);
reg = zeros(1,size(coefs_poly,2)); % I x filter_length/I
input_signal = x; % impulse
output_signal = zeros(1,length(input_signal)*I);
% polyphase interpolation filter is "calculate I outputs from 1 input"
out_idx = 1;
for n=1:length(input_signal)
reg = [input_signal(n) reg(:,1:size(reg,2)-1)]; % deliver 1 input
% calculate I outputs from the 1 input
for path=1:I
output_signal(out_idx) = reg * coefs_poly(path,:)'; % sum all polyphase paths together
out_idx = out_idx + 1;
xax = -.5:1/nfft:.5-1/nfft;
filt_resp = fftshift(20*log10(abs(fft(coefs/nfft,nfft))));
input_resp = fftshift(20*log10(abs(fft(x/nfft,nfft))));
output_resp = fftshift(20*log10(abs(fft(output_signal/nfft,nfft))));
plot(xax*fsI, filt_resp-max(filt_resp))
hold on
plot(xax*fs, input_resp-max(input_resp))
hold off
legend('filter', 'input')
hold on
plot(xax*fsI, filt_resp-max(filt_resp))
plot(xax*fsI, output_resp-max(output_resp))
hold off
legend('filter', 'output')