Vivado TCL Script Example #
A simple TCL example script for synthesizing and implementing a design in vivado.
puts "starting..."
set hdl_dir "./path/to/hdl/files"
set top_module "name_of_top_module"
# close any open projects
close_project -quiet
link_design -part YOUR-PART-NAME-HERE
# read hdl
read_verilog [glob -dir $hdl_dir *.v]
# read_verilog -sc [glob -dir $hdl_dir *.sv]
# read_vhdl [glob -dir hdl_dir *.vhd]
# read xdc file
read_xdc name_of_your_xdc.xdc
# synthesize you can add extra flags if necessary
# i.e. -mode out_of_context
synth_design -top $top_module
# place and route AKA "implement design" in GUI
# after placing you may want to explore phys_opt_design
# if you are failing timing
# phys_opt_design
# save a checkpoint to reload project later
# take existing design and dump it to a file so you can pick up where you
# left off (save a project in none project mode)
write_checkpoint -force $top.dcp
report_utlization -hierarchical -file hierarchical_utilization_report.txt
report_timing_summary -file timing_simmary.txt
# if you need to write a bitstream
# write_bitstream -force $top.bit
puts "finished"
Running the TCL Script #
To run the vivado tcl script you can simply run it in batch mode as follows
vivado -mode batch -source name_of_script.tcl